Tuesday, 30 March 2010

So, I've started this diet of raw foods (last Saturday). My mum has some books written by David Wolfe who is one of the leading raw food "elitists". Basically a raw food diet is a vegan diet but you focus on three primary food categories—green vegetables, fruits and fats. All the food is organic and raw (meaning it's natural state). An example of a raw food diet would include a smoothie for breakfast, a salad juiced for lunch and a salad in the evening. What's great about this is that it all tastes so good! I have had a few cravings for meat and pizzas (etc) but I think I'm finally over the hump.

The whole idea behind raw food is that when food is cooked you loose around 85% of the nutrition (hence people trying to steam their food etc). Eating raw foods liquidized means that it saves your digestive system churning it up later on down the line. I love all the smoothies for breakfast because I love the energy fruit gives me (who doesn't?)—the salads i need to spice up a bit because it's a little boring. The only problem I've found so far with this diet is the cost! I spent £30 for a weeks worth of food (over my usual £20 per week) and I doubt it will even last to Friday! Fingers crossed I get this job I'm going in for tomorrow!

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