Friday, 16 April 2010

I saw this film the other day and I think it's really important that people see it. It's about how meat and other foods are produced (primarily in America but I presume it occurs in other countries too). It's really, truly, eye-opening:

Food, INC (watch it via ZShare as there's a time limit with the Megavideo one :p)

Film Reviews:

Full Metal Jacket: One of Kubrick's worst (which is surprising). The film is too short to gain any great depth or character development (although the message is still clear). Kubrick is often too clinical for his own good. I don't mean this is an aesthetic sense—more plot related. A good film which I really enjoy every-time I see it. It would loose points if it weren't for Kubrick's patented cinematography. 2.5 Stars

Akira: One of my favourite mangas as a teenager (obviously) —although it has lost some of it's charm it's still impressive. What's disappointing is the compression of the books (which I've read) into the film, as a lot of the plot is lost and rushed. If only he'd added more key elements to the story, from the books, for the average viewer may find this plot rushed and unimportant. It's as if he made this film for avid fans as a testimony. I have the remastered version which is well worth the purchase. 3.5 Stars

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